
For best results, please use Google Chrome. The back-end for these demos are microservices running on both Azure (.NET Core Azure Functions) and AWS (Node.js Lambda functions).

Below is a brief summary of the current demos. Click on a title to jump to that demo:

  • React Context & Hooks - uses "context" and "hooks" to store key data in a central location and avoids having to manually pass data through multiple components.
  • Redux & Thunks - shows key concepts related to Redux such as actions, selectors, reducers and thunks. To see dispatched actions, use the dev tools redux extension.
  • MongoDB & NodeJS - shows the power & flexibility of MongoDB which is an alternative to a traditional SQL database. Integration is handled with a NodeJS/Express API.
  • Blockchain - this will eventually show a few key concepts related to web3, crypto wallet integration & interacting with smart contracts such as sending payments and minting NFTs. Current version is a rough proof-of-concept with very limited functionality.
  • GraphQL - a simple GraphQL endpoint, powered by Express & Apollo, hosted on Azure.
  • Salesforce - ties into my personal Salesforce environment, using an Azure Logic App to retrieve the data.

The older demos from when this website was built with Angular can be viewed here: (Angular)

React Context & Hooks

React Context & Hooks

Chuck Norris Joke Lookup

DISCLAIMER: These jokes are coming from an external API. Some may include crude language, so don't blame me!

Redux, Selectors & Thunks

Redux, Selectors & Thunks

Breaking Bad Data

This Redux demo shows a few basic concepts such as actions, reducers, selectors & thunks for async calls. Can you guess who character #1 is?

Lookup by character ID:

MongoDB, NodeJS & Azure

MongoDB, NodeJS & Azure

Beer Listing

This list of amazing beer is stored in a MongoDB collection. The data is retrieved via a NodeJS/Express API which is hosted on Azure.



Blockchain & Web3

Blockchain & Web3

Blockchain demos are now on their own page - check them out here: 

blockchain & smart contract demo



Ski Resort Forecast

The resort info below is returned by a GraphQL endpoint which is hosted on Azure. Coming soon: real-time weather forecasts!

Fetching all resorts... gears

Salesforce & Azure

Salesforce & Azure

Big Ten Schools

Click the button below to retrieve Big Ten school data from my Salesforce environment. There may be a 5-10 second delay.